Welcome to Supflex Pontoon Mooring Systems Inc
- A New Mooring Revolution
SUPFLEX is one of the best new mooring solutions available for hurricane area offshore floats and barges of the wave, tide, and current mooring. SUPFLEX designs high-tech nano rubber shock-absorber mooring systems instead of only anchoring with the traditional chain, wire, & rope for mooring systems. SUPFLEX incorporates Nanotechnology in our rubber shock-absorber mooring systems instead of only anchoring with chain, wire, & rope for traditional mooring systems.


Strong & Durable
Supflex moorings can withstand the worst weather conditions including hurricanes. It can securely and safely resist all wave motions.

Tolerant for severe climate
SUPFLEX high technology Nano fiber rubber shock absorber mooring systems is a real hurricane proof shock absorber mooring systems.

Engineered with Nano technology and cutting-edge materials that are environmental friendly.

Tested and Approved
Rigorously tested by Zwick/Roell, ABS, DNV and Marine Engineering Academia. Examined by HKAA, BMT, SHJTD, TSD, A&MU & CAS.